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The Madisonville Independent Fire Company has been serving our community since 1953. Today we have a dedicated group of volunteers who operate 9 pieces of apparatus, responding to all types of calls including structure fires, brush fires, motor vehicle crashes, searches and more. We also provide Mutual Aid assistance to our surrounding North Pocono Community Fire Departments and beyond. Last year, the Madisonville Fire Company responded to over 100 calls for assistance. That is over 328 hours spent on emergency calls by our volunteer members.

In your time of need, we respond to your emergency at no cost to you.

However, with the rising cost of vehicles, gear, and equipment, we need your help. The cost to outfit one firefighter in protective equipment, including pants, coat, hood, boots, gloves, and helmets is approximately $5,000 to $10,000 per firefighter. One single SCBA, which allows our firefighters to enter hazardous areas costs over $5000. The cost of a new fire engine has increased to over $500,000 per vehicle.

We are asking you to help us by considering making a monetary donation by returning the enclosed form in the envelope provided, or by the PayPal link/QR code or Venmo QR code listed below. We thank you for our continued support.

Our Station 56 Family