Madisonville Independent Fire Co.

                                                                              Home Safety Checklist

                                          (Feel free to print this checklist as a guide when planning your family’s fire-prevention)




1. Have you planned at least two ways out of every room in your home in case of fire?



2. Has your family agreed on a meeting place, outside of your home, in case of fire?



3. Do you keep potential escape routes in your home clear of clutter?



4. Do you know your local emergency number for fire-police-ambulance, and do you have it posted near you phones?



5. Do you have a functioning smoke detector on at least every floor in your home?



6. Do you have a fire-extinguisher on every floor in your home?



7. Do you keep flammable liquids in only approved containers, and out of your home in a separate outbuilding?






8. Is smoking in bed absolutely forbidden in your home?



9. Are you sure all smoking materials are extinguished before bedtime?



10. Are matches and lighters kept out of reach of small children?



Heating and Cooking



11. Are furnaces, stoves, and flupipes properly maintained and inspected?



12. Are portable space heaters properly maintained and used only in compliance with the manufacturers recommendations?



13. Is the central heating system in your home inspected annually by a qualified technician?



14. Do you have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and do you know how to properly extinguish a stove top fire?



15. To prevent burns or scald injuries to children, do you ensure that pot and pan handles are turned inward when on the stove top?






16. Do you see that extension cords are never placed under rugs, or hooked over nails or other sharp objects?



17. Do you see that only the right fuse is used in the right socket in the fuse box?



18. Are all electrical appliances installed according to manufacturers recommendations, including ventilation and minimum space requirements?






19. Do your baby-sitters know the first rule of fire safety in the home? Get everybody out of the home - don't go back in!



20. Do you ever leave small children unattended?